For the Chinese, this is much more worrying than an anti-dumping case because now we are going to the heart of their system, said one EU official, who likened the subsidy case to launching a torpedo against the mother ship. 对中方来说,这比反倾销案麻烦得多,因为现在我们直指中国制度的核心,一名欧盟官员表示。这名官员把这起反补贴案件比作向母舰发射一枚鱼雷。
The Byrd amendment – a rule named after US senator Robert Byrd that awarded the revenue from imposing anti-dumping duties to the company that brought the case – was repealed after being declared illegal by the World Trade Organisation. 以美国参议员罗伯特•伯德的名字命名的伯德修正案提出将征收反倾销税获得的收入拨给提起反倾销案的企业,但这一修正案被世界贸易组织(WTO)宣布为非法,目前已经废除。
We should try to solve the problems in the solar sector to avoid an anti-dumping case, Ms Merkel said. 默克尔表示:我们应该尝试解决太阳能行业的问题,避免出现反倾销案件。
Analysed the real example to our country by the anti-dumping at the same time, through analyzing the case of implementing the anti-dumping our country abroad, draw the valuable experience and lessons, has put forward the countermeasure how to solve our country encountering the anti-dumping problem. 同时也对我国遭遇反倾销进行了实证分析,通过剖析国外对我国实施反倾销的案例,得出宝贵经验教训,在此基础上提出了解决我国遭遇反倾销的对策。
Finally, this paper concluded that the requirement of anti-dumping jumping FDI was at least part of the export firm's cost advantage to be transferred abroad and the fixed cost of outward FDI was less than the critical fixed cost in case of antidumping duty. 文章最后得出结论:跨越反倾销的对外直接投资要求出口国企业的成本优势至少是部分可以转移的,并且对外直接投资的固定成本必须小于征收反倾销税情况下的主要固定费用;
Empirical analysis of anti-dumping situation of China's exported goods& Based on analysis of anti-dumping case number and export sum of money of China's export 中国出口商品反倾销形势的实证分析&基于中国出口反倾销案件数目和同期出口金额的分析
EU ferro molybdenum anti-dumping case against China is one of the largest anti-dumping cases against Chinese products within EU, which has a serious and negative impact on Chinese enterprises. 欧盟对华钼铁反倾销案是近年来欧盟对华产品又一起反倾销大案,其给中国企业造成的严重后果和负面影响是巨大的。
A Perspective on Chinese Condensed Apple Juice Anti-dumping Case Sample 中国浓缩苹果汁反倾销案标本透视
In recent years, the quantity of the foreign country anti-dumping affairs to our country increase increasingly, the arithmetic figure about product species, scope that case involve and export amount of money etc. 近年来,外国对我国反倾销案件数量日益增多,反倾销案件涉及的产品品种、范围、出口金额等数字均大幅提高。
A Study of Chinese Enterprises 'Countermeasures against American Anti-dumping Case& Focus on Substituting Country of Anti-dumping Case 中国企业应诉美国反倾销案的对策研究&以反倾销案中的替代国问题为中心
Frequent anti-dumping case for China's exports, which are sued by foreign countries, has become an important subject under discussion of its foreign trade. 中国出口产品频遭国外反倾销制裁已成为中国对外经贸的主要议题。
The Agreement on Anti-dumping of WTO stipulates: In the case of imports from a country which has a complete or substantially complete monopoly of its trade and where all domestic prices are fixed by the State, special difficulties may exist in determining price comparability. WTO《反倾销协议》规定熏在进行如反倾销协议确定的比较价格可能存在特殊困难熏可以使用替代国的价格。
Analysis of Firm Pleading Decision in the Anti-dumping Case 反倾销中的企业应诉决策分析
Quote of the US-China wooden furniture anti-dumping case against the accounting proposed in this paper responding to the decision-making anti-dumping, anti-dumping accounting methods of proof and its supporting systems analyzed accounting instructions. 最后引用了美对华木制家具反倾销案例对本文提出的反倾销会计应诉决策、反倾销会计举证方法和其会计支撑体系进行了分析说明。
An anti-dumping case can be affected by many factors, such as the domestic macroscopic situation, lobbying between groups, international negotiations and so on. 一个反倾销案件的提出和调查受到多方面的影响,包括国内宏观经济情况,国内利益集团游说,国际间政治博弈等等。
Though Vietnam suffered from foreign anti-dumping cases accepted the much less than China, but the case involving the value of the rising, and the extent of anti-dumping subject expand of power. 而越南遭遇反倾销数虽比中国少得多,但案件涉及的价值有上升的趋势,且反倾销主体的范围有扩大之势。
Since the anti-dumping case on Chinese newsprint industry, the anti-dumping duty rate, a crucial decision of government, has always been regarded as a hot issue in the academic field. 自1997年我国新闻纸反倾销案件以来,反倾销作为政府的重要决策,一直被学术界广泛研究。